Internship Leads to Full-time Job

“It was my senior year of college when I first met Ms. Illig. She presented in my class about interview skills, techniques, dress, questions to expect and the dreadful “tell me about yourself” question. I immediately set up a one-on-one appointment with her after finding her presentation extremely helpful. I was torn between two careers: counseling and human resources. Elizabeth encouraged me to try an internship in both careers my senior year. She helped me create a LinkedIn profile, create a resume (which I had never done before), write a cover letter, practice interview questions, research companies, and more. I eventually landed my two dream internships for the fall and spring semesters. I fell in love with my human resources internship and was offered a full time job with the company post graduation. I was also offered other job opportunities in which Elizabeth was the first person I called to help me weigh the pros and cons for my career. Upon her guidance, I accepted the job offer with the company I had interned with.

Elizabeth always made herself available for me via phone or email; she was always prompt with returning emails, correcting resumes, cover letters, and more. I recently was accepted to my #1 graduate school program where I will be completing a Masters in Human Resources. Elizabeth was the person I called for every question I had during the graduate school application process. She answered questions about the applications, helped me weigh different programs, and helped me write my personal statement. She even gave me advice and options when it comes to studying for the GRE exam! To conclude, Elizabeth is a friend, mentor, role model, and coach. She will go to every and all lengths to empower you and help you find the right career for your talent and skill set.”

-Alyssa F.